In a binary tree (BT), a path between the root and a leaf is the number of arcs joining the root to the leaf. The BT $$\texttt{height}$$ is the length of the longest path between the root and each of the leaves.
- Write a function $$\texttt{int height(BT T)}$$ that returns the height of T.
- The search algorithm in a $$\texttt{BST}$$ is proportional to its height. In order to improve the search performance, we consider the class of balanced $$\texttt{BST}$$. A $$\texttt{BST T}$$ is balanced if $$\texttt{T}$$ is empty or if for each node, the difference between the heights of the left and right subtrees is $$<$$ 2.
Write a function $$\texttt{int dif_LR(BT T)}$$ that returns the difference between left and right subtree height of a given $$\texttt{BT T}$$. - Write a function $$\texttt{int balanced(BT T)}$$ that returns 1 if $$\texttt{T}$$ is balanced and 0 otherwise.
- In order to ensure the balance of a $$\texttt{BST}$$, we suggest to transform it using the following rotations:
- Left Rotation: a left rotation around the node B consists in getting down B and getting up its right child D without invalidating elements order (see figure below).
- Right Rotation: the reverse of the left rotation.
- Left-Right Rotation on T: it consists in a left rotation on T left subtree followed by a right rotation on T.
- Right-Left Rotation on T: it consists in a right rotation on T right subtree followed by a left rotation on T.
- Write a function $$\texttt{left_right_rotation}$$ that rotates left-right a given $$\texttt{BST}$$.
- The insertion of an element into a balanced $$\texttt{BT}$$ is as follows: the element is added as when inserting into a $$\texttt{BST}$$ then:
- If the left balance is lost then a left-right rotation is done if the left child lean to the right, otherwise a simple right rotation is done.
- If the right balance is lost then a right-left rotation is done if the right child lean to the left, otherwise a simple left rotation is done.
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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
int height(Btree B)
if (isEmpty_Btree(B) || B->left ==NULL && B->right ==NULL)
return 0;
return 1 + max(height(B->left),height(B->right));
int dif_LR(Btree B)
return (height(B->left) - height(B->right));
int balanced(Btree B)
return ((B==NULL) || (abs(dif_LR(B))<2 && balanced(B->left) && balanced(B->right)));
void left_rotation(Btree *B)
Btree T1;
if (*B == NULL) return ;
(*B)->right = T1->left;
T1->left = *B;
*B = T1 ; // new root
void right_rotation(Btree *B)
Btree T1;
if (*B == NULL) return ;
(*B)->left = T1->right;
T1->right = *B;
*B = T1 ; // new root
void left_right_rotation(Btree *B)
if (*B == NULL || (*B)->left == NULL) return;
void right_left_rotation(Btree *B)
if (*B == NULL || (*B)->right == NULL) return;
int Insert_BST(element1 X, Btree *T )
if( isEmpty_Btree(*T))
{ // Create and return a one-node tree
*T = (Btree) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
(*T)->data = X;
(*T)->left = (*T)->right = NULL;
return 1 ;
if( X == (*T)->data)
return 0;
if( X < (*T)->data)
return Insert_BST( X, &((*T)->left) );
return Insert_BST( X, &((*T)->right) );
int left_lean(Btree B)
return (dif_LR(B) > 0);
int right_lean(Btree B)
return (dif_LR(B) < 0);
int Insert_Balanced(element1 X, Btree *T )
if (!Insert_BST(X,T))
return 0; //nothing to insert
if (X < (*T)->data) //element inserted on the left
if (right_lean((*T)->left))
else //element inserted on the right
if (left_lean((*T)->right))
else left_rotation(T);
return 1;
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