Let the mathematical function f defined by


  • Write a C function that returns the value of f (x) for a point x passed as a parameter.
  • An approximation of the derivative f' of the function f is given in each point x for h small enough (close to 0), by: $$f'(x)\simeq\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$.
    Write a function C that calculates an approximation of the derivative f' of f at a point x entered on the keyboard. We will pass the value of h as a parameter of the function.
  • The second derivative of f is the derivative of the derivative. Write a function C that calculates an approximation of the second derivative f'' of f at a point x entered on the keyboard. We will pass the value of h as a parameter of the function.
  • Write a C function that determines the sign of the second derivative of f as a function of x. We can make a main program that reads x on the keyboard and displays the result.
  • Write a C function that gives the user the choice to display the value of the function f, its first derivative or its second derivative at a point x read from the keyboard.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define size 100

double f(double x)
    return (2*pow(x,3)+3)*(pow(x,2)-1)/sqrt(3*pow(x,2)+1);

double fd(double x, double h)
    return (f(x+h)-f(x))/(h);

double fd2(double x, double h)
    return (fd(x+h,h)-fd(x,h))/(h);

int sign(double x, double h)
    return fd2(x,h)>=0?1:-1;

int main()
    double x, h=0.00001;
    printf("Enter x: ");
    scanf("%lf", &x);
    return 0;

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