Sort the elements of an array A in ascending order.

Method: Starting again each time at the beginning of the table, we carry out several times the following treatment: We propagate, by successive permutations, the largest element of the array towards the end of the array (like a bubble that goes back to the surface of a liquid).

Implement the algorithm considering that:

  • The part of the table (on the right) where there were no permutations is sorted.
  • If no swapping has occurred, the array is sorted.


Difficulty level
Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#define size 50

int main()
    int A[size];
    int N, i , j, aux;
    int exchange; 
    do {
        printf("Enter N: ");
    }while(N<=0 || N>size);
    printf("Enter %d elements: ", N);
    for(i=0; i<N; i++)
    exchange = 1;
    for(i=N-1; i>0 && exchange==1; i--)
        exchange = 0;
        for(j=0 ; j< i; j++)
                exchange = 1;
                aux = A[j];
    printf("\n\nAfter sorting\n\n");
        printf("%d ",A[i]);
    return 0;

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