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Alternative structure exercises in C Programming in C

  • Even or odd: Write a program that reads an integer value x and displays whether x is an even or an odd number....
  • Maximum of 3 integers: Write a program that reads three integer values (A, B, and C) from the keyboard and displays the larger of the three values, using if - else and a MAX help variable. if - else if - ... - else without help variable conditional operators and a MAX h...
  • Sort 3 integers: Write a program that reads three integer values (A, B and C) on the keyboard. Sort the values A, B and C by successive exchanges so as to obtain: val (A) $$\leq$$ val (B) $$\leq$$ val (C)....
  • Display the product sign of 2 integers without performing the multiplication: Write a program that reads two integer values (A and B) from the keyboard and displays the product sign of A and B without performing the multiplication....
  • Display the addition sign of 2 integers without performing the sum: Write a program that reads two integer values (A and B) from the keyboard and displays the sign of the sum of A and B without performing the addition. Use the fabs function from the <math.h> library....
  • Real solutions of a second degree equation: Write a program that calculates the real solutions of a second degree equation \(ax^2+bx+c=0\) by discussing the formula: \(x_{1,2}=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}\) Use a help variable D for the discriminant value \(b^2-4ac\) and decide using D if th...
  • Electricity bill: Write a program that asks a customer to enter the number of consumed electricity units. The program then calculates and prints the electricity bill without VAT, and then prints it with VAT knowing that: For the first 50 consumed units, the customer p...
  • Biggest of two numbers: Write a program that reads and prints the biggest of 2 numbers....
  • Check divisibility by 2 and 3: Write a program that, given the integer n=13251, displays the value:0 if n is not divisible by 2 or by 31 if n is divisible by 2 and not by 32 if n is divisible by 3 and not by 23 if n is divisible by 2 and by 3...
  • Category of a number: Write a program that reads a real number X and displays its category: Category A if (0 < = X < 37) Category B otherwise ...
  • Lucky numbers: A four-digit number ABCD is called Lucky if $$A + B = C + D$$. Write a program that asks the user to enter a four-digit number n and prints whether n is a Lucky number or not. Example: The number 3719 is a Lucky number since 3 + 7 = 1 + 9 The number ...
  • Integers manipulation: Write a program that reads two integers $$X$$ and $$Y$$, and does the following: $$X$$ takes the value of $$Y$$ if ($$X \leq Y$$ or $$Y$$ is a divisor of $$X$$) $$Y$$ takes the value of $$X$$ if ($$X \geq 30$$ and $$Y$$ is a multiple of $$X$$) ...
  • Result of a division: Write a C program that reads three integers a, b and c, and displays on the screen the result of the expression $$\frac{ab}{c}$$ if c is not null. Your program displays the message 'Wrong value of c' if c null. Execution example: Enter three numbers ...
  • Solution of a system: Write a program that reads six real values a, b, c, u, v, w and then displays the solution of the following equations:$$a*X + b*Y + c = 0$$$$u*X + v*Y + w = 0$$...
  • Calculus of an expression: Write a program that reads two positive integer values X and Y. The program must then calculate and display the result of the following expression : \(\frac{(X^2+1)(\frac{X}{Y}-3)}{(X-Y^2)(Y^2-X)}\)...
  • Derivative approximation: Let the mathematical function f be defined by $$f(x) = (2x + 3)(3x^2 + 2)$$ Write a program C that calculates the image by f of a number entered on the keyboard. An approximation of the derivative f' of the function f is given at each point x, for h ...
  • Tens and hundreds of a number: Write a program that displays the digit of the tens of a number entered on the keyboard. Same question for the hundreds....
  • Program output: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _): #include<stdio.h>double mystery(int A[], int i){     i = A[i] * 2;     A[0] = 0;     return i+1;} int main(){     int i = 8, j = 5, k, A[...
  • Cost of a telephone call: Write a program that asks the user to enter a number of minutes and a number of seconds, then calculates and displays the cost of a telephone call according to the following rules: a unit is equal to 20 seconds; the first minute is indivisible and is...
  • Program output 5: Give the output on the screen of the following program #include <stdio.h>int main(){    int x , y ,z;      x = y = z = 1;      x += y += z;      printf("%d\n", x < y ? y : x);      printf("%d\n",x < y ? x++:y++)...
  • Program output 6: Give the output on the screen of the following program #include <stdio.h>void print(int x, int y, int z){     printf("x = %d \t y = %d \t z = %d\n", x ,y ,z);}int main(){     int x , y ,z;      x = y = z = 1;     ++x || ++y &...
  • Program output 12: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _): #include<stdio.h>int main(){     int a = 7, b = 4, c;     double x = 0.02, y = -0.05, z = 0.1 ;     printf("#1# %d ##\n", (a + b) % 1234); ...
  • Program output 13: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _): #include<stdio.h>double mystery(int T[], int i){     int k;      for(k=0 ; k<i ; k++)          T[k] -= T[i] - k;     return T[k] + ...
  • Array manipulation using functions: Write the function $\texttt{int READDIM()}$ that reads and returns a strictly positive integer $N$ less than 50; Write the function $\texttt{void READARRAY(int T[], int N)}$ that fills $N$ positive integers in the array $\texttt{T}$; Write the functi...
  • Program output 10: Give the output on the screen of the following program #include <stdio.h> #define PRINT(format,x) printf(#x " = %"#format"\t",x)#define NL putchar('\n'); #define PRINT1(f,x) PRINT(f,x);NL#define PRINT2(f,x1,x2) PRINT(f,x1);PRINT1(f,x2)#define...

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