Write an ADT specification for a set of n elements.
Operations include (create set, add an element to a set, delete an element from a set, check whether an element is in a set, union of 2 sets, intersection of 2 sets, cardinality of a set, complement of a set)
Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
Type Set
Parameter element
Use Boolean, integer
Create --> Set
Add: Set x element --> Set
isEmpty: Set --> Boolean
belong : Set x element --> Boolean
union : Set x Set --> Set
intersection : Set x Set --> Set
Delete: Set x element --> Set
Card: Set --> Integer
Comp: Set --> Set
Difference: Set x Set --> Set
Create, Add
No preconditions
Let E1, E2 be 2 sets, a an element, E full Set
* isEmpty(Create())=true
* isEmpty(Add(E1,a))=false
* Belong(Create(),a)=False
* Belong(Add(E1,a),a)=True
* Union(Create(),E1)=E1
* Union(Add(E1,a),E2)=Add(Union(E1,E2),a)
* Intersection(Create(),E1)=Create()
* Intersection(Add(E1,a),E2)=if Belong(E2,a) then Add(Intersection(E1,E2),a) else Intersection(E1,E2)
* Delete(create(),a)=Create()
* Delete(Add(E1,a),a) = if ï(E1,a) then delete(E1,a) else E1
* Card(Create())=0
* Card(Add(E1,a)) = if Belong(E1,a) then card(E1) else card(E1) +1
* Comp(Create())=E
* Comp(Add(E1,a))= if Belong(E1,a) then Comp(E1) else delete(Comp(E1),a)
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