Write a program that will allow a list of words to be entered separated by commas,
and then extract the words and output them one to a line, removing any leading or trailing

For example, if the input is
John , Jack , Jill
then the output will be

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void main(void)
	char list[5000];         /* Stores the list of comma separated words   */
	char words[500][20];     /* Array for 500 words of up to 20 characters */
	const char comma = ',';
	const char space = ' ';
	int word_count = 0;      /* Number of words found */
	int word_length = 0;     /* Current word length   */
	int index = 0;           /* Character position    */

	printf("Enter a comma separated list of words:\n");
	gets(list);              /* Read the list of words */

	/* Find words in list */
	while(list[index] != '\0')
		/* Skip over spaces and commas */
		while(list[index] == space || list[index] == comma)

		/* Copy characters that are not space, comma or \0 as part of a word */
		while(list[index] != space && list[index] != comma && list[index] != '\0')
			words[word_count][word_length++] = list[index++];

		words[word_count++][word_length] = '\0';    /* Append terminator         */
		word_length = 0;                            /* Reset ready for next word */

	/* List the words that were found */
	printf("\nThe words in the list are:\n");
	for(index = 0 ; index<word_count ; index++)

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