We would like in this question to arrange words of any length in a tree structure represented in levels as follows: each node $$p$$ of the tree of level $$i$$ has the following structure:


typedef char element;
typedef struct node
element data;
     struct node *left, *right, *nextlevel;
} *tree;


All characters arranged in the left subtree are strictly less than $$\texttt{data}$$.

All characters arranged in the right subtree are strictly greater than $$\texttt{data}$$.

A word of the form: $$C_1 C_2 \cdots C_n$$ will be arranged as follows:
$$C_1$$ in the tree of level 1
$$C_2$$ in the tree of level 2 pointed by the $$C_1$$ node
$$C_i$$ in the tree of level $$i$$ pointed by the $$C_{i-1}$$ node.

Example: After inserting the words: $$\texttt{mn}$$, $$\texttt{ke}$$, $$\texttt{me}$$, $$\texttt{r}$$, $$\texttt{uf}$$, $$\texttt{kn}$$, $$\texttt{ub}$$, $$\texttt{mz}$$, $$\texttt{kd}$$, $$\texttt{ubc}$$, $$\texttt{ubz}$$, and $$\texttt{ubb}$$, we get the following tree:

  • Write a recursive function that searches for a character $$x$$ in a tree $$A$$ and returns the address of the node containing the character $$x$$ , $$\texttt{NULL}$$ otherwise.
  • Write a recursive function that inserts a character $$x$$ into a tree $$A$$ and returns also the address of the newly created node.

Using the functions written above:

  • Write a function that determines the largest prefix (of maximum length) in the tree structure of a given word. (Example if $$\texttt{word}$$ = "$$\texttt{ubt}$$", the largest prefix that exists in the structure is "$$\texttt{ub}$$").
    Your function should return the $$\texttt{length}$$ of the prefix and the $$\texttt{address}$$ of the last character of the prefix in the structure.
  • Deduct by writing the search function of a given $$\texttt{word}$$ from the prefix search.
  • Use the $$\texttt{prefix}$$ and $$\texttt{insert}$$ functions to insert a given word in the tree.


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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
 tree find(tree A, element x)
	if (A == NULL)
		return NULL;
		if (A->data == x)
			return A;
			if (A->data > x)
				return find(A->left, x);
			return find(A->right,x);

int insert(element x, tree *A, tree *B)
	if (*A == NULL)
		*A = (tree)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
		if (!(*A)) return 0;
		(*A)->data = x;
		(*A)->left = (*A)->right = (*A)->nextlevel = NULL;
		*B = *A;
		if (x == (*A)->data) return 0;
		if (x < (*A)->data)
			return insert(x, &((*A)->left), B);
		return insert(x, &((*A)->right), B);
	return 1;

void prefix(tree S, element word[], int * length, tree *Address)
	int stop, i;
	tree R;

	stop = 0;
	i = 0;
	*Address = NULL;
	while (!stop)
		R = find(S, word[i]);
		if (R == NULL)
			stop = 1;
			*Address = R;
			S = R->nextlevel;
	*length = i;
int findword(tree S, element word[])
	int length;
	tree Address;
	prefix(S, word, &length, &Address);
	if (length == strlen(word))
		return 1;
	return 0;

int insertword(tree *S, element word[])
	int length;
	tree Address, adr, B;
	int j;

	prefix(*S, word, &length, &Address);
	if (length == strlen(word))
		printf("word exists");
		for (j = length ; j < strlen(word); j++)
			if (Address != NULL)
				adr = Address->nextlevel;
				adr = *S;
			if (!insert(word[j], &adr, &B)) return 0;
			if (*S == NULL)
				*S = adr;
			if (Address != NULL)
				if (Address->nextlevel != adr)
					Address->nextlevel = adr;
			Address = B;
	return 1;

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