Calculate for a given value X of the type float the numerical value of a polynomial of degree n: \(P(X) = A_nX^n + A_{n-1}X^{n-1}+ \cdots + A_1X + A_0\)
The values of n, coefficients \(A_n, \cdots , A_0\) and X will be entered on the keyboard and stored in a float array A of dimension $$n+1$$.
- Use the pow() function for calculation.
- Use the Horner scheme that avoids the exponentiation operations: \(P(X) = (( ( (A_n \times X + A_{n-1}) \times X + A_{n-2} ) \cdots ) \times X + A_0 \)
Difficulty level

Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
float A[20];
int I;
int N;
float X;
float P;
printf("Entre the degree : ");
scanf("%d", &N);
printf("Entre the value of X : ");
scanf("%f", &X);
for (I=0 ; I<N ; I++)
printf("Enter coefficient A%d : ", I);
scanf("%f", &A[I]);
/* a) using pow
for (P=0.0, I=0 ; I<N ; I++)
P += A[I]*pow(X,I); */
/* b) using Horner */
for (P=0.0, I=0 ; I<N ; I++)
P = P*X + A[I];
printf("Value for X = %.2f : %.2f\n", X, P);
return 0;
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