Write a program that checks whether a matrix is an upper triangular matrix.

A matrx is said to be an upper triangular matrix if all values under the main diagonal are zeros.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define SIZE 50
void main()
	int A[SIZE][SIZE];
	int R, C;        /* dimensions */
	int I, J;

	do {
		printf("Number of rows   (max.%d) : ", SIZE);
		scanf("%d", &R);
	} while (R <= 0 || R > SIZE);
	do {
		printf("Number of columns (max.%d) : ", SIZE);
		scanf("%d", &C);
	} while (C <= 0 || C > SIZE);

	printf("*** Matrix ***\n");
	for (I = 0; I<R; I++)
		for (J = 0; J<C; J++)
			printf("A[%d][%d] : ", I, J);
			scanf("%d", &A[I][J]);

	// check if the matrix is an upper triangular matrix
	for (I = 0; I < R; I++)
		// we check elements less than I
		for (J = 0; J < I; J++)
			if (A[I][J] != 0) // if one element is not zero, exit the innner loop
		if (J < I) // either we have exited the inner loop normally (J==I), nothing to do , we continue
			break;	// otherwise, we exited the loop because if the break, so we need to exit the outer loop too 

	if (I == R)
		printf("The matrix is an Upper triangular matrix.\n");
		printf("The matrix is not an Upper triangular matrix.\n");


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