- A binary tree is called \(\texttt{SumTree}\) if the value of each non-leaf node is equal to the sum of the nodes present in its left subtree and its right subtree.
An empty tree is considered as a \(\texttt{SumTree}\) and the sum of an empty tree is equal to 0.
Write a function that checks whether a binary tree is a \(\texttt{SumTree}\) or not. - Without performing any calculations, give the worst case time complexity of your function. Justify your answer.
For example, the following binary trees are \(\texttt{SumTree}\)s.
/ \
10 3
/ \ \
4 6 3
/ \
24 2
/ \
10 2
/ / \
5 1 1
Difficulty level

This exercise is mostly suitable for students
int SumTree(Btree B)
int sum = 0;
return SumTree_helper(B, &sum);
int SumTree_helper(Btree B, int *sum)
int l, r;
if (B == NULL)
*sum = 0;
return 1;
if (B->left == NULL && B->right == NULL)
*sum = B->data;
return 1;
if (SumTree_helper(B->left, &l) == 1 && SumTree_helper(B->right, &r) == 1 && B->data == l + r)
*sum = 2* (l + r);
return 1;
return 0;
2* n, where n is the number of elements in the tree.
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