The objective of this exercise is to propose a new algorithm to check if a word (string without spaces) is palindrome.

  • Write the function "firstlast" that takes as parameter a word (a string without spaces) and construct a new string by regrouping the characters as follows : the first and the last, the second and before the last, and so one. Example : abcdefg --> agbfced
  • Notice that if the previous function is applied on a palindrome word (example: laval --> llaav), the generated string is composed of a pair of identical characters (except the last character if the original string length is odd). Write the function "isPalindrome" that verifies if a word string is palindrome, using the function "firstlast".
  • Write a main program that prompts the user to enter a string and verifies if it is or not, using the previous functions.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#define size 100

void firstlast(char in[], char out[])
    int i, j;
        out[2*i] = in[i];
        out[2*i+1] = in[j-i];
    out[j+1]='\0' ;   

int isPalindrome(char in[])
    char out[size];
    int i;
        if(out[i+1] && out[i]!=out[i+1])
            return 0;
    return 1;

int main()
    char in[size];

    printf("Enter a word: ");
        printf("\"%s\" is palindrome\n", in);
        printf("\"%s\" is not palindrome\n", in);

    return 0;

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