Write a function that returns the number of common entries in two BSTs.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
BST belong_bst_rec(BST B, int v)
	if (B)
		if (B->data == v)
			return B;
		if (B->data > v)
			return belong_bst_rec(B->left, v);
			if (B->data < v)
				return belong_bst_rec(B->right, v);
	return NULL;
int nb_common_entries(BST B, BST C)
    int nbl, nbr;
        nbl = nb_common_entries(C, B->left);
        nbr = nb_common_entries(C, B->right);
        if(belong_bst_rec(C, B->data))
            return 1 + nbl +nbr ; 
            return nbl +nbr;

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