Write a program that reads two strings CH1 and CH2, compares them lexicographically and displays the result using strcmp:

    Enter the first string : ABC
    Enter the second string: abc
    "ABC" precedes "abc"

Difficulty level
Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#define SIZE 50
void main()
	char CH1[SIZE], CH2[SIZE];

	printf("Enter the first string : ");
	scanf("%s", CH1);

	printf("Enter the second string : ");
	scanf("%s", CH2);

	if (strcmp(CH1, CH2) == 0)
		printf("\"%s\" is equal to \"%s\"\n", CH1, CH2);
		if (strcmp(CH1, CH2) < 0)
			printf("\"%s\" precedes \"%s\"\n", CH1, CH2);

			printf("\"%s\" precedes \"%s\"\n", CH2, CH1);


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