1. Write a function that initializes each element $$tab[i]$$ of a tab array to the value $$2^i$$.
  2. Using  the first question, write a program that reads characters equal to 0 or 1 from the keyboard and calculates the number that these digits represent in binary. We can display in base 10 the result.


Enter 0 or 1 : 1
Current value : 1
Enter 0 or 1 : 0
Current value : 1
Enter 0 or 1 : 1
Current value : 5
Enter 0 or 1 : 1
Current value : 13
Enter 0 or 1 : 0
Current value : 13
Enter 0 or 1 : 1
Current value : 45
Enter 0 or 1 : 0
Current value : 45
Enter 0 or 1 : 0
Current value : 45
Enter 0 or 1 : 1
Current value : 301

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students

#define NB_MAX 20

void fill(unsigned int t[NB_MAX])
	int i = 1;
	t[0] = 1;
	while (i < NB_MAX)
		t[i] = t[i - 1] * 2;

void main()
	char c;
	int choice, i = 0;
	unsigned int n=0;
	unsigned int t[NB_MAX];


	while (1) // infinite loop
		choice = 0;
		printf("Enter 0 or 1 : ");
		while (!choice)
			c = getchar();
			choice = ((c == '0') || (c == '1'));
		if (c == '1')
			n += t[i];
		printf("Current value : %d\n", n);

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Looking for a more challenging exercise, try this one !!
Recursive function to convert a decimal integer to binary