A linked list is said to contain a $$\texttt{cycle}$$ (named also $$\texttt{loop}$$) if some nodes are visited more than once while traversing the list. If the list does not contain any cycles, the last element points to $$\texttt{null}$$.

Given the following list structure:
typedef ... element;
typedef struct cell {
element data;
struct cell * next;
} * list;
The purpose of this question is to write a function that takes the head of a list as parameter and returns a pointer to the node where the cycle starts (case 1: node $$\texttt{20}$$, case 2: node $$\texttt{1}$$, case 3: node $$\texttt{22}$$, case 4: $$\texttt{null}$$) and $$\texttt{null}$$ otherwise using a hash table in which collisions are resolved by applying the hash coalesced with separated zones.
- Give all the declarations needed to implement a suitable hash table.
- According to your declaration, write a function that creates an empty hash table.
- Write the function as described above.
- Give the worst-case time complexity of your algorithm.
Difficulty level

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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
list getLoop(list l)
hash h;
int keep_going = 1;
while (l)
int r, v = hashfunction(l->data);
if (empty(h, v)) {
h[v].data = l;
h[v].link = -1;
/* find e */
while (h[v].link != -1 && h[v].data != l)
v = h[v].link;
if (h[v].data == l) return l;
r = N - 1;
while (r >= P && !empty(h, r)) r--;
if (r < P) return NULL;
h[r].data = l;
h[r].link = -1;
h[v].link = r;
l = l->next;
return NULL;
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