Write a program in that display a substring from a given string knowing its length and its starting position.

Enter the string : my name is toto
Enter the position : 4
Enter the length of substring : 6
The substring retrieved from the string beginning from position 4 of length 8 is : "name i"

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 100
void main() 
	char str[SIZE], substr[SIZE];
	int pos, length, count;
	printf("Enter the string : ");
   	printf("Enter the position :");
   	scanf("%d", &pos);
   	printf("Enter the length of substring :");
  	scanf("%d", &length);
   	while (count < length && str[pos+count-1]!='\0') 
      		substr[count] = str[pos+count-1];
   	substr[count] = '\0';
   	printf("The substring retrieved from the string beginning from position %d of length %d is : \"%s\"\n\n", pos, length, substr);

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