Search an array A of integers of size N for a VAL value entered on the keyboard. Display the position of VAL if it is in the array, otherwise display a corresponding message. The INDEX value that is used to memorize the position of the value in the array, will have the value -1 as long as VAL was not found.
The Jump Search is a searching algorithm for sorted arrays. The basic idea is to jump ahead by fixed steps (usually sqrt(N)).
For the above array, we search indexed, A[0], A[sqrt(N)], A[2*sqrt(N)] ,..
Once we find the interval (A[k*sqrt(N)]< VAL < A[(k+1)*sqrt(N)]), apply a linear search operation from the index k*sqrt(N) to find VAL.
Difficulty level

This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#define SIZE 50
void main()
int A[SIZE], N, val;
int i;
int block, min, previous, flag;
do {
printf("Enter the dimension: ");
scanf("%d", &N);
} while (N <= 0 || N > SIZE);
// reading the array in ascending order
printf("Enter A[0]: ");
scanf("%d", &A[0]);
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
printf("Enter A[%d]: ", i);
scanf("%d", &A[i]);
printf("Enter the element to find: ");
scanf("%d", &val);
/* Display the array */
printf("Given array : \n");
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
printf("A[%d]=%d\n",i, A[i]);
/* Initializing the number of steps */
// for jump sort, the block size if best equal to sqrt(N)
// example, for an array of size 16, the block size is equal to 4
// we check A[block] , we make sure that block is not out of bound
// get the min between step and N
min = (block<N? block:N);
// if current value is less than val
if(A[min-1]< val)
// save the position of step, we can get
// back to it, in the case where the
// upcoming value at the netx step is
// greater than val
block+= sqrt(N); // increment the step by block size
// we do here a linera search
// we start from previous index
while(A[previous]< val && flag)
// if we reach the next block or
// the end of the array, val is missing
min = (block<N? block:N);
// I can reach here with either flag equal to 0 or 1
// in case where flag=1 , there's a possibility
// that the last loop condition was false
// because A[previous]> val
if (flag && A[previous]==val)
printf("%d is found at index %d.\n", val, previous);
printf("%d not found in the array.\n", val);
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