Given a \(\texttt{BST}\) containing $n$ nodes, write a function that runs in \(\mathcal{O}(\log{}n)\) that finds the \(\texttt{floor}\) and the \(\texttt{ceil}\) of a value \(\texttt{val}\) given as parameter.
If \(\texttt{val}\) exists in the tree, its \(\texttt{floor}\) and \(\texttt{ceil}\) is \(\texttt{val}\) itself.
If not, the \(\texttt{floor}\) of \(\texttt{val}\) is the previous value that comes directly before \(\texttt{val}\) in the tree and the \(\texttt{ceil}\) is the next value that comes directly after \(\texttt{val}\) in the tree.
Here are some examples.
/ \
4 10
/ \ / \
2 6 9 12
\(\texttt{floor}\) of 1 do no exist, \(\texttt{ceil}\) of 1 is 2
\(\texttt{floor}\) of 3 is 2, \(\texttt{ceil}\) of 3 is 4
\(\texttt{floor}\) of 9 is 9, \(\texttt{ceil}\) of 9 is 9
\(\texttt{floor}\) of 7 is 6, \(\texttt{ceil}\) of 7 is 8
Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
Recursive version
void find(BST B, int v, int *floor, int *ceil)
if (B)
if (B->data == v)
*floor = *ceil = B->data;
if (B->data < v)
*floor = B->data;
find(B->right, v, floor, ceil);
if (B->data > v)
*ceil = B->data;
find(B->left, v, floor, ceil);
Iterative version
void find(BST B, int v, int *floor, int *ceil)
while (B)
if (B->data == v)
*floor = *ceil = B->data;
if (B->data < v)
*floor = B->data;
if (B->data > v)
*ceil = B->data;
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