Consider a hash table with chaining where the elements with the same hash value are inserted in the same binary search tree (BST) instead of a list.

  • Define the abstract data type (ADT) Hash Table.
  • Write the corresponding declaration of such data structure.
  • Write the following operations:
    • Create a HashTable,
    • Add an element,
    • Search for a given element.

Hint: You may use the function $$\texttt{int Hash(char *s)}$$ that returns a position in the hash table.

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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
typedef char element[N];
typedef struct node
	element data; 
	struct node * left, *right;
} *BST;

typedef BST hashtable[M];

void CreateHashtable(hashtable h)
    int i;
    for(i=0; i <M; i++)

int insert_BST(BST *B, element e)
        *B=(BST)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        if(!(*B)) return 0;
        (*B)->left = (*B)->right =  NULL;
        return 1;
        return 0;
        return insert_BST(&((*B)->right),  e);
    return insert_BST(&((*B)->left),  e);

int insert(hashtable h, element n)
   return insert_BST(&h[hash(n)],n);

int search_bst(BST B, element e)
    if(!B) return 0;
    if(!strcmp(B->data,e)) return 1;
    if(strcmp(B->data, e) <0)
        return search_bst(B->right, e);
    return search_bst(B->left, e);

int search(hashtable h, element e)
    return search_bst(h[hash(e)],e);

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