Consider a hash table T[m] where separate chaining is used such that keys with the same hash value are stored in a heap (dynamically implemented). We assume the existence of a hash h, and that keys in the heap are of type t_Element, and that 2 keys can be compared using comparison operators associated to numbers ($$<, >, ==, ...$$).

  • Write a function that checks if a key belongs to such a hash table.
  • Write a function that calculates the number of distinct elements in a heap.

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This exercise is mostly suitable for students
int find_heap_h(Heap h, element e, int start)
    if(start >= h->count) return 0;
    if(h->array[start]==e) return 1;
    if(h->array[start]<e) return 0;
    return find_heap_h(h, e, 2*start+1) || find_heap_h(h, e, 2*start+2);

int find_heap(Heap h, element e)
    return find_heap_h(h,e,0);

int find(hashtable h, element nb)
    return find_heap(h[hash(nb)],nb);

int nb_distinct(Heap h)
    int i, j;
    int count;
    count =0;
    return count;

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