Write an iterative function that calculates the binomial coefficient.

\(C_n^p=\frac{n!}{(n-p)!\times p!}\)

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students

int factit(int n)
  	int f;				// Result

  	for (f = 1; n > 1; n--)
    		f *= n;	
  	return f;


int binomialit(int n, int p)
	return factit(n)/(factit(p)*factit(n-p));

void main()
  	int p,n;

  	printf("n : ");
  	scanf("%d", &n);

  	printf("p : ");
  	scanf("%d", &p);

  	printf("Version 1 : C_^%d_%d = %d\n", p, n, int binomialit(int n, int p)(n, p));


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