Write a program that builds and displays Pascal's triangle by calculating the binomial coefficients:

Enter the degree of the triangle (max.13) : 6
Pascal Triangle of degree 7 :
N= 1      1
N= 2      1   1
N= 3      1   2   1
N= 4      1   3   3     1
N= 5      1   4   6     4     1
N= 6      1   5   10   10   5     1
N= 7      1   6   15   20   15   6   1


We will not use a table, ie. it will be necessary to calculate the coefficients according to the formula below, while defining and using the adequate functions.


Difficulty level
Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

double FACT(int N)
	double RESULT;
	for (RESULT = 1.0; N>0; N--)
		RESULT *= N;
	return RESULT;

double C(int P, int Q)
	return FACT(P) / (FACT(Q)*FACT(P - Q));

void Row(int P)
	int Q;
	for (Q = 0; Q <= P; Q++)
		printf("%6.0f", C(P, Q));

	int P;
	for (P = 0; P<ROWS; P++)
void main()
	int N;

	printf("Enter the number of lines N : ");
	scanf("%d", &N);



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