Write a program that calculates and displays the pressure of a perfect gas at a constant temperature in a gravitational field: \(P(z)=P_0 \times \exp{-\frac{Mgz}{RT}}\), with \(P_0=10^5 hP\), \(M=29 g.mol^{-1}\), \(g=9.8 m.s^{-1}\), \(R=8.32 J.K^{-1}.mol^{-1}\), \(T=300k\), and \(z=4000 m\). These numerical values will have to be given in the program, and not requested to the user.
Difficulty level

This exercise is mostly suitable for students
void main()
double P0=1e5, M=29e-3, g=9.8, R=8.32, T=300, z=4e3;
printf("P(z=4000 m)=%lg\n",P0*exp(-M*g*z/R/T));
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