Write a program that defines a(n):

  • employee type (number, age, year of recrutement, salary)
  • function that raises the salary of an employee by a certain percentage

Write a main function to test your functions.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
  int num;
  int age;
  int recruted;
  double salary;
} employee;

employee raise(employee e, double percentage)
  e.salary = e.salary * (1+percentage/100);
  return e;

void main()
  employee pierre = { 1035, 42, 1993, 2100.0 };
  pierre = raise(pierre, 5);
  printf("Pierre earns %.2f euros per month \n", pierre.salary);
  return 0;

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