Write a program that reads a text TXT (less than 200 characters) and removes all occurrences of the 'e' character by packing the remaining items. The changes will be made in the same TXT variable.
This line contains some letters e.
This lin contains som lttrs .
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Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
/* Declarations */
char TXT[201]; /* given string */
int I,J; /* counters */
/* Reading */
printf("Enter a line (max.200 caracters) :\n");
/* Eliminate 'e' letter and pack : */
/* Copy caracters from I to J and incrrment J */
/* only for caracters different than 'e'. */
for (J=0,I=0 ; TXT[I] ; I++)
TXT[J] = TXT[I];
if (TXT[I] != 'e')
/* Terminate the string !! */
/* Printing the result */
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