- Give the declaration of a Binary Search Tree of integers ($$\texttt{BST}$$).
- Write a recursive function that checks whether an element belongs to a $$\texttt{BST}$$.
- Write an iterative function that checks whether an element belongs to a $$\texttt{BST}$$.
- Given 2 $$\texttt{BST}$$s, and using the above written function, write a function that checks whether the elements of both $$\texttt{BST}$$s are the same or not. The time complexity of your algorithm should be \(\texttt{O(m} \times \texttt{n)}\), where $$\texttt{m}$$ and $$\texttt{n}$$ are the numbers of elements in the two $$\texttt{BST}$$s.
- Knowing that the inorder traversal of $$\texttt{BST}$$s produces sorted lists, rewrite the previous function in such a way that the time complexity of your algorithm should be $$\texttt{O(min(m, n))}$$.
Difficulty level
Video recording
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
int belongr(Btree B, element e)
if (!B) return 0;
if (B->data == e) return 1;
if (B->data > e) return belongr(B->left, e);
return belongr(B->right, e);
int belongi(Btree B, element e)
while (B)
if (B->data == e) return 1;
if (B->data > e) B=B->left;
else B=B->right;
return 0;
int belong(Btree A, Btree B)
if (!A) return 1;
if (!belongr(B, A->data)) return 0;
return belong(A->left, B) && belong(A->right, B);
int same(Btree A, Btree B)
return belong(A, B) && belong(B, A);
int samei(Btree A, Btree B)
stack s1 = CreateStack();
stack s2 = CreateStack();
int done1 = 0;
int done2 = 0;
int v1, v2;
while (!done1 && !done2)
while (!done1)
if (A)
Push(&s1, A);
A = A->left;
if (Top(s1, &A))
v1 = A->data;
A = A->right;
done1 = 1;
while (!done2)
if (B)
Push(&s2, B);
B = B->left;
if (Top(s2, &B))
v2 = B->data;
B = B->right;
done2 = 1;
if (done1 == 1 && done2 == 1)
return 1;
if (v1 != v2) return 0;
done1 = 0;
done2 = 0;
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