Write a program that will read N values of type double from the keyboard and
store the reciprocal of each value (the reciprocal of a value x is 1.0/x) in an array. Display the array.

Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
#include <stdio.h>
#define M 100
void main(void)
	int N, i;
	double data[M], v;

		printf("Enter the dimension: ");
	}while(N<=0 || N>M);

	printf("Enter %d values separated by spaces:\n", N);
	for(i = 0 ; i<N ; i++)
		scanf("%lf", &v);

	printf("\nReciprocal of the entered values:\n");
	for(i = 0 ; i<N ; i++)
		printf("%.2lf ",data[i]);

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