The array-based stack implementation introduced in class uses a fixed length array. As a result, it is possible for the stack to become full.
- Rewrite the \(\texttt{push}\) method so that it doubles the length of the array when the array is full.
- Rewrite the \(\texttt{pop}\) method so that it halves the length of the array when the array is less than half full.
Difficulty level
This exercise is mostly suitable for students
typedef char element;
typedef struct dynStack {
element *data;
int top;
int capacity;
} *stack;
stack CreateStack()
stack p = (stack) malloc(sizeof(stack));
if(!p) return NULL;
p->top = -1;
p->data = (element*) malloc(p->capacity * sizeof(element));
if(!p->data) return NULL;
return p;
void DoubleStack(stack *p)
(*p)->data=(element*) realloc((*p)->data,(*p)->capacity);
int Push(stack *p, element e)
if (isFullStack(*p)) DoubleStack(p);
(*p)->data[++(*p)->top] = e;
return 1;
int Pop(stack *p)
if (isEmptyStack(*p)) return 0;
if ((*p)->top <= (*p)->capacity / 2)
(*p)->data=(element*) realloc((*p)->data,(*p)->capacity);
return 1;
int Top(stack p, element *e)
if (isEmptyStack(p)) return 0;
*e = p->data[p->top];
return 1;
int isEmptyStack(stack p)
return (p->top == -1);
int isFullStack(stack p)
return (p->top == p->capacity-1);
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