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Searching exercises in C Programming in C
Finding a value in an array using jump search: Search an array A of integers of size N for a VAL value entered on the keyboard. Display the position of VAL if it is in the array, otherwise display a corresponding message. The INDEX value that is used to memorize the position of the value in the a...
Finding a value in an array using Interpolation search: Search an array of integers for a VAL value entered on the keyboard. Display the position of VAL if it is in the array, otherwise display a corresponding message. The INDEX value that is used to memorize the position of the value in the array, will h...
Finding a value in an array using sequential search: Search an array of integers for a VAL value entered on the keyboard. Display the position of VAL if it is in the array, otherwise display a corresponding message. The INDEX value that is used to memorize the position of the value in the array, will h...
Finding a value in an array using binary search: Search an array of integers for a VAL value entered on the keyboard. Display the position of VAL if it is in the array, otherwise display a corresponding message. The INDEX value that is used to memorize the position of the value in the array, will h...
Search for saddle point: Search in a given matrix A for elements that are both a maximum on their row and a minimum on their column. These elements are called saddle points. Display positions and values of all found saddle points.
Examples: The underlined elements are saddle...