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Program output exercises in C Programming in C
Program output: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _):
#include<stdio.h>double mystery(int A[], int i){Â Â Â i = A[i] * 2;Â Â Â A[0] = 0;Â Â Â return i+1;}
int main(){Â Â Â int i = 8, j = 5, k, A[...
Program output 1: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>int main(){Â Â Â int x;Â Â Â x = -3 + 4 * 5 -6; printf("%d\n",x);Â Â Â x = 3 + 4 % 5 -6; printf("%d\n",x);Â Â Â x = -3 * 4 % -6 / 5 ; printf("%d\n",x);Â Â Â x = ...
Program output 2: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>int main(){Â Â int x = 3, y , z; Â Â x*= 2 + 1; printf("%d\n",x); Â Â x *= y = z = 3; printf("%d\n",x); Â Â x = y == z ; printf("%d\n",x); Â Â x == ...
Program output 3: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>int main(){Â Â int x = 3, y = 1 , z = 0; Â Â x = x && y || z; printf("%d\n",x); Â Â printf("%d\n",x || ! y && z); Â Â x = y = 2; Â Â ...
Program output 5: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>int main(){Â Â int x , y ,z; Â Â Â x = y = z = 1; Â Â Â x += y += z; Â Â Â printf("%d\n", x < y ? y : x); Â Â Â printf("%d\n",x < y ? x++:y++)...
Program output 6: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>void print(int x, int y, int z){Â Â Â printf("x = %d \t y = %d \t z = %d\n", x ,y ,z);}int main(){Â Â Â int x , y ,z; Â Â Â x = y = z = 1;Â Â Â ++x || ++y &...
Program output 12: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _):
#include<stdio.h>int main(){Â Â Â int a = 7, b = 4, c;Â Â Â double x = 0.02, y = -0.05, z = 0.1 ;Â Â Â printf("#1# %d ##\n", (a + b) % 1234);Â ...
Program output 13: Give the output on the screen of the following program (indicate a space using this symbol _):
#include<stdio.h>double mystery(int T[], int i){Â Â Â int k; Â Â Â for(k=0 ; k<i ; k++)Â Â Â Â Â Â T[k] -= T[i] - k;Â Â Â return T[k] + ...
Program output 4: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>#define PRINT(i) printf("value = %d\n", i)int main(){Â Â Â int x = 03, y = 02 , z = 01;Â Â Â PRINT(x | y & z); Â Â Â PRINT(x | y & - z); Â Â Â PRINT(x ^ y ...
Program output 7: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT(format,x) printf(#x " = %"#format"\n",x)
int main(){Â Â Â int integer = 5;Â Â Â char character = '5';Â Â Â char *string = "5";Â Â Â PRINT(d, string)...
Program output 8: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PR(x) printf(#x " = %.8g\t",(double)x)#define NL putchar('\n');#define PRINT4(a,b,c,d) PR(a);PR(b);PR(c);PR(d);NL
int main(){Â Â Â double d;Â Â Â float f;Â Â...
Program output 9: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PR(x) printf(#x " = %.8g\t",(double)x)#define NL putchar('\n');#define PRINT1(a) PR(a);NL#define PRINT2(a,b) PR(a);PR(b);NL
int main(){Â Â Â double d = 3.2 , x;...
Program output 10: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT(format,x) printf(#x " = %"#format"\t",x)#define NL putchar('\n');
#define PRINT1(f,x) PRINT(f,x);NL#define PRINT2(f,x1,x2) PRINT(f,x1);PRINT1(f,x2)#define...
Program output 11: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT(format,x) printf(#x " = %"#format"\t",x)#define NL putchar('\n');
#define PRINT1(f,x) PRINT(f,x);NL#define PRINT2(f,x1,x2) PRINT(f,x1);PRINT1(f,x2)#define...