Program output 4: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>#define PRINT(i) printf("value = %d\n", i)int main(){ int x = 03, y = 02 , z = 01; PRINT(x | y & z); PRINT(x | y & - z); PRINT(x ^ y ...
Program output 7: Give the output on the screen of the following program
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT(format,x) printf(#x " = %"#format"\n",x)
int main(){ int integer = 5; char character = '5'; char *string = "5"; PRINT(d, string)...
Implementation of a set using a long integer as bits: You are asked to give an implementation of the ADT set using an array of bits and having the following functions:
void toempty(SET *S)
int empty(SET S)
int find(int x, SET S)
void add(int x, SET *S)
void removeS(int x, SET *S)
void intersect(SET S1,...
Implementation of a set using an array of long integers as bits: You are asked to give an implementation of the ADT set using an array of bits and having the following functions:
void toempty(SET *S)
int empty(SET S)
int find(int x, SET S)
void add(int x, SET *S)
void removeS(int x, SET *S)
void intersect(SET S1,...