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Two dimensional array exercises in C Programming in C

  • Sum of elements in a two dimensional array: Write a program that reads the R and C dimensions of a two-dimensional array T of type int (maximum dimensions: 50 rows and 50 columns). Fill in the array with values entered on the keyboard and display the array and the sum of all its elements....
  • Sum of rows and columns in a two dimensional array: Write a program that reads the R and C dimensions of a two-dimensional array T of type int (maximum dimensions: 50 rows and 50 columns). Fill in the array with values entered on the keyboard and display the array and the sum of each row and column us...
  • Convert a two dimensional array into one dimensional array: Write a program that transfers a two-dimensional array R and C (maximum dimensions: 10 rows and 10 columns) into a one-dimensional array V of size R * C. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix}\Rightarrow (a \ b \ c \ d \ e \ f \ g \ h \ i \ j \ k \ l )\)...
  • Split a string by space into words: Write a program that splits a string by space into words. Use an array of strings to store the words...
  • Sum of the main diagonal of a matrix: Write a program that calculates the sum of elements of the first diagonal (right) in a square matrix....
  • Sum of the minor diagonal of a matrix: Write a program that calculates the sum of elements of the minor (left) diagonal in a square matrix....
  • Determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix: Write a program that calculates the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix. \(\begin{vmatrix} a & b \\c & d \end{vmatrix} = a \times d - b \times c\)...
  • Determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix: Write a program that calculates the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix. \(\begin{vmatrix} a & b & c\\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \end{vmatrix} = a \times \begin{vmatrix} e & f \\h & i \end{vmatrix}- b \times \begin{vmatrix} d & f \\g & i \end{vmatrix}+ c \times \begin{vmatrix} d & e \\g & h \end{vmatrix}= a \times (e \times i - f \times h) - b \times (d \times i - f \times g ) + c \times (d \times h - e \times g) \)...
  • Number pattern 6: \(\begin{array}{ccccc}1&2&3&4&5\\16&17&18&19&6\\15&24&25&20&7\\14&23&22&21&8\\13&12&11&10&9\end{array}\)  Write a program that reads a number and displays the above patt...
  • Creation of a matrix defined by a relation: Let \(A=\{a_{ij}\}_{1\leq i\leq 5, 1\leq j\leq 5}\) be a matrix defined by \(a_{ij}=\frac{1}{i+j}\). Write a program that creates such a matrix in a two-dimensional array and displays the values....
  • Check if a matrix is symmetric: Write a program that reads a square matrix and checks whether it is symmetric. A square matrix is called symmetric if for all values of i and j, a[i][j]=a[j][i]....
  • Subtract of two matrices (storage in a new matrix): Write a program that performs the substraction of two matrices A and B of the same dimensions R and C. The result of the substraction will be stored in a third matrix SUM which will then be displayed. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix} - \begin{pmatrix} a' & b' & c' & d' \\e' & f' & g' & h' \\ i' & j' & k' & l' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a-a' & b-b' & c-c' & d-d' \\e-e' & f-f' & g-g' & h-h' \\ i-i' & j-j' & k-k' & l-l' \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Subtract of two matrices (storage in the first matrix): Write a program that performs the substraction of two matrices A and B of the same dimensions R and C. Matrix B is subtracted from A. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix} - \begin{pmatrix} a' & b' & c' & d' \\e' & f' & g' & h' \\ i' & j' & k' & l' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a-a' & b-b' & c-c' & d-d' \\e-e' & f-f' & g-g' & h-h' \\ i-i' & j-j' & k-k' & l-l' \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Check whether two matrices are equal or not: Write a program that checks whether two matrices are equal or not....
  • Interchange diagonals of a square matrix: Write a program that interchanges the diagonals of a square matrix. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c \\d & e & f \\ g & h & i  \end{pmatrix} becomes \begin{pmatrix} c & b & a \\d & e & f \\ i & h & g \end{pmatrix} \)...
  • Check whether a matrix is an upper triangular matrix: Write a program that checks whether a matrix is an upper triangular matrix. A matrx is said to be an upper triangular matrix if all values under the main diagonal are zeros....
  • Check whether a matrix is a lower triangular matrix: Write a program that checks whether a matrix is a lower triangular matrix. A matrx is said to be a lower triangular matrix if all values above the main diagonal are zeros....
  • Sum of the lower triangular matrix: Write a program that calculates the sum of the lower triangular matrix....
  • Sum of the upper triangular matrix: Write a program that calculates the sum of the upper triangular matrix....
  • Check Identity matrix: Write a program that checks whether a matric is an Identity matrix.  Identity matrix is a square matrix whose main diagonal elements is equal to 1 and other elements are 0....
  • Check sparse matrix: Write a program that checks whether a matric is a sparse matrix. A sparse matrix is a special matrix where more than half of its elements are equal to zero. ...
  • Check symmetric matrix: Write a program that checks whether a matric is a symmetric matrix. A symmetric matrix is a square matrix which is equal to its transpose.    ...
  • Function sorting an array of strings: Write a program that reads 10 words and stores them in an array of strings. write a function that sorts the 10 words lexicographically using the strcmp and strcpy functions. Display the sorted array....
  • Transpose of a matrix using an iterative function: Write the function TRANSPO_MATRIX with 3 parameters MAT, R and C, CMAX transposes the MAT matrix. TRANSPO_MATRICE returns a logical value which indicates if the dimensions of the matrix are such that the transposition could be carried out. Write a sm...
  • Zeroing the main diagonal of a matrix: Write a program that zeros the elements of the main diagonal of a given square matrix A....
  • Unit Matrix: Write a program that constructs and displays a unitary square matrix M of dimension N. A unitary matrix is a matrix, such that: \(u_{ij}=\Big\{\begin{array}{c c c} 1 & if & i=j \\ 0 & if & i\neq j \end{array}\)...
  • Transposition of a matrix (storage into a new matrix): Write a program that performs the transposition tA of a matrix A of dimensions N and M into a matrix of dimensions M and N. The transposed matrix will be stored in a second matrix B which will then be displayed. \(^{t}A = ^{t}\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} a & e & i \\ b & f & j \\ c & g & k \\ d & h & l\end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Transposition of a matrix (permutation of the elements): Write a program that performs the transposition tA of a matrix A of dimensions N and M into a matrix of dimensions M and N. The matrix A will be transposed by permutation of the elements \(^{t}A = ^{t}\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} a & e & i \\ b & f & j \\ c & g & k \\ d & h & l\end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Multiplication of a matrix by a real (storage in a new matrix): Write a program that multiplies an A matrix by a real X. The result of the multiplication will be memorized in a second matrix B which will then be displayed. \(X \times \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} X \times a & X \times b & X \times c & X \times d \\X \times e & X \times f & X \times g & X \times h \\ X \times i & X \times j & X \times k & X \times l \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Multiplication of a matrix by a real (storage in the same matrix): Write a program that multiplies an A matrix by a real X. The elements of matrix A will be multiplied by X. \(X \times \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} X \times a & X \times b & X \times c & X \times d \\X \times e & X \times f & X \times g & X \times h \\ X \times i & X \times j & X \times k & X \times l \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Sum of two matrices (storage in a new matrix): Write a program that performs the addition of two matrices A and B of the same dimensions R and C. The result of the addition will be stored in a third matrix SUM which will then be displayed. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} a' & b' & c' & d' \\e' & f' & g' & h' \\ i' & j' & k' & l' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a+a' & b+b' & c+c' & d+d' \\e+e' & f+f' & g+g' & h+h' \\ i+i' & j+j' & k+k' & l+l' \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Sum of two matrices (storage in the first matrix): Write a program that performs the addition of two matrices A and B of the same dimensions R and C. Matrix B is added to A. \(\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c & d \\e & f & g & h \\ i & j & k & l \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} a' & b' & c' & d' \\e' & f' & g' & h' \\ i' & j' & k' & l' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a+a' & b+b' & c+c' & d+d' \\e+e' & f+f' & g+g' & h+h' \\ i+i' & j+j' & k+k' & l+l' \end{pmatrix}\)...
  • Multiplication of two matrices: By multiplying a matrix A of dimensions R and C with a matrix B of dimensions C and P, a matrix MULT of dimensions R and P is obtained:A (R, C) * B (C, P) = MULT (R, P) The multiplication of two matrices is done by multiplying the components of the t...
  • Pascal triangle: Write a program that builds the PASCAL triangle of degree N and stores it in a square matrix P of dimension N + 1. Method: Calculate and display only the values up to the main diagonal (included). Limit the degree to enter by the user to 13. Construc...
  • Search for saddle point: Search in a given matrix A for elements that are both a maximum on their row and a minimum on their column. These elements are called saddle points. Display positions and values of all found saddle points. Examples: The underlined elements are saddle...
  • Availability in a hotel: To manage the availability of the rooms in his hotel, the owner asks you to write a program that uses an array rooms[10][40] whose values are 0s and 1s. The value of rooms[i][j] is 1 if the room j of the floor i is occupied, this value is 0 if this r...
  • Sort an array of strings: Write a program that reads 10 words and stores them in an array of strings. Sort the 10 words lexicographically using the strcmp and strcpy functions. Display the sorted array....
  • Reading the elements of a matrix using an iterative function: Write the function READ_MATRIX taking 3 parameters MAT, R, and C which reads the components of a matrix MAT of the type int and dimensions R and C....
  • Display the elements of a matrix using an iterative function: Write the function PRINT_MATRIX with 3 parameters MAT, R, and C which displays the components of the matrix of dimensions R and C....
  • Sum of the elements of a matrix using an iterative function: Write the function SUM_MATRIX of the long type which calculates the sum of the elements of a MAT matrix of the type int. Choose the necessary parameters. Write a small program that tests the function SUM_MATRIX....
  • Sum of 2 matrices using an iterative function: Write the function ADDITION_MATRIX which carries out the addition of the matrices following: MAT1 = MAT1 + MAT2 Choose the necessary parameters and write a small program that tests the function ADDITION_MATRIX....
  • Multiplication of a matrix by a number using an iterative function: Write the MULTI_MATRIX function which multiplies the matrix MAT1 by an integer X: MAT1 = X * MAT1 Choose the necessary parameters and write a small program that tests the MULTI_MATRIX function....
  • Multiplication of two matrices using an iterative function: Write the function MULTI_2_MATRICES which performs the multiplication of two matrices MAT1 (dimensions R and P) and MAT2 (dimensions P and C) in a third matrix MAT3 (dimensions R and C): MAT3 = MAT1 * MAT2 Suppose that the maximum dimensions of the t...
  • Read the dimension and the elements on a matrix using an iterative function: Write the function READ_NB_ROWS which reads the number of rows R of a matrix. Write the function READ_NB_COLUMNS which reads the number of columns C of a matrix. Write the function READ_MATRIX taking 3 parameters MAT, R, and C which reads the compone...

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