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Heap exercises in C Programming in C
Sorting using heap-sort algorithm: Sort the elements of an array A in ascending order.
Heapsort algorithm inserts all elements into a heap, then removes them from the root of a heap until the heap is empty.
Sort can be done in place with the array to be sorted.Instead of deleting an e...
kth largest elements in an array using a heap: Write a function that prints the \(k^{th}\) largest elements in an array. Elements in array can be in any order.
For example, if given array is [1, 23, 12, 9, 30, 2, 50] and you are asked for the largest 3 elements i.e., \(k\) = 3 then your program s...
Check whether a given binary tree is a Max heap: Write a function that checks whether a given binary tree is a Max heap.
A Binary tree need to fulfill the following two conditions for being a heap:
It should be a complete tree (i.e. all levels except last should be full).
Every node's value should ...
Building a Max-heap by adding values and evaluating complexities: Let T be the following table:\(\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline3 & 5& 1 & 6 & 8 &11 &2 &4 & 9 & 10\\\hline\end{array}\)
Build the Max-Heap. You should represent the heap obtained after the insertion of ea...
Implement a stack using a heap: We are interested in this part to implement a $$\texttt{stack}$$ of integers using a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$.
Let $$\texttt{H}$$ be a $$\texttt{Max-Heap}$$ allowing the following operations:
$$\texttt{Max-Heap CreateHeap();}$$ This operation creates a ...
Heapsort complexity: What is the asymptotic running time of the $$\texttt{heapsort}$$ algorithm on an array of length $$n$$ that is already sorted in ascending order? What about if the array is sorted in decreasing order? In both cases, justify your answer....
Priority Queue and Min heap: A min heap H is a binary tree having the following property:\
$\forall N \in H, \forall \ LN \in LEFT(N), \forall \ RN \in RIGHT(N), data(N) \leq data(LN) $ and $ data(N) \leq data(RN)$
Jobs arriving to a computer system for processing are given a pr...
Binary heaps: A max-heap is a perfect binary tree in which data of each node is $$>$$ than those of its children (the root contains the max).
Consider the following max-heap. **img**binaryheaps1.png##img##
The max-heap above resulted after a sequence of $$\text...
Tracing QuickSort and Heapsort: Consider the following table:
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline 9 & 15& 5 &7 &11 &4 &10 &13 &8\\\hline \end{array}$$
Trace $$\texttt{QuickSort}$$ using the above table to sort its entries.
Trace $$\texttt{Heap...
Domain inclusion of heaps: A min-heap is a complete binary tree where the value of each element is less than the values of its children, if any.
Remark: each value is unique in a heap (it can't be repeated).
Define the data structure for dynamic implementation of a heap of i...
Heap of prime factors: An integer number is represented by a heap consisting of the number prime factors. Ex: the number 24 is represented by the heap below:
Given the function $$\texttt{void primeFactors(int n)}$$ that prints the prime ...
Hashing with heaps: Consider a hash table T[m] where separate chaining is used such that keys with the same hash value are stored in a heap (dynamically implemented). We assume the existence of a hash h, and that keys in the heap are of type t_Element, and that 2 keys c...